My First Aida

A Song in Honor of Martina Arroyo

My first Aida,
You graced a house lamented and lost.
Forma divina,
You sang a slave who would not be crossed.

Mia dolce Aida,
Others sang, but you commanded
Destiny's spinto,
Forever firm, forever candid.

My first Aida,
Mistress of all that is humane.
O patria mia
Other Aidas we must sustain.

Forever vincitor,
Nourishing the preludes of others,
We tremble at your triumphs
For your sisters and brothers.

My only Aida--

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I was asked by a dear friend, the composer Stefania de Kenessey, to write lyrics for a celebration in honor of Martina Arroyo. I remembered Arroyo fondly as my first Aida in Hartford, Connecticut. Arroyo was one of the great spinto sopranos. She continues to support emerging talent. Brandie Sutton is an exciting young soprano who performed the song at the gala. Click here to see and hear. Click on the link below to hear Martina at her most thrilling.